Example route from Fukuoka Airport to Rokurenshima

You can take a day trip to this island if you leave that airport by train around 7 am.
On The Go Map
Takezaki sanbashi 竹崎桟橋
Shimonoseki Station is the nearest station. It is almost a straight route from the west exit ticket gate, but it was dark early in the morning and I had no idea where the ocean was.
If you refer to the youtube video, you may be able to see that “the sea is pitch black. There are few street lights.
Island Information
・Mutsure Jima(Island), Yamaguchi Prefecture:山口県六連島(むつれじま)
・Affiliation: Hibikinada Islands:響灘諸島(ひびきなだ しょとう)
・Regular service available (cash payment) Shimonoseki City Port and Harbor Bureau Ferry Office (下関市港湾局渡船事務所 LINK) (TEL:083-261-1010)
・Yamaguchi Prefecture Official HP リンク

Boarding tickets are purchased on board. When you are seated, a man will call out to you at the ticket counter. Pay in cash.
The round-trip ticket is 710 yen. This is a sales price that seems to be supported by the government.
Only on Saturdays, you can take a day trip to Futaijima.
Futaijima is another inhabited remote island, also in Shimonoseki. I took a day trip to these two islands on the same day. I stayed in Kokura on Saturday for this purpose.

The administrator of this blog

About me, Ira
a) Manga creator living in Singapore
b)My relatives: Singaporean, Malaysian and Japanese.
c)Have covered about 410 islands in manga
d)Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ADHD & ASD), Mental Disability Level 2
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